Saturday, 25 August 2012

Bob Marley is an inspiration...but is he really?

Welcome to things that just p**s me off. First off i'd like to say that i'm really not bothered about how many people read this i just find myself frustrated with a lot of different things and need some way to vent my anger so i'm trying this.  But since you are reading i hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment.

Entry 1

okay so i'm gonna start by setting the scene I currently find myself in.  I am sitting on my couch typing this blog on my laptop and directly opposite me is the 'family' computer.  My dad and 13 year old sister are both sitting listening to reggae music.  This isn't what annoys me I think it's fair enough people have the right to listen to the kind of music they want, who am I to judge.  What enrages me is my sisters random obsession with 'inspirational quotes' especially those by Bob a result she has been listening to his music repeatedly over the past few weeks and claiming that it is all so deep and meaningful and inspirational.  This tortures me for a few reasons.  Firstly she's 13 she doesn't know what half of it means.  Secondly not all of his music is deep and meaningful and inspirational, okay some of it may be, but seriously whats inspirational about the lyrics "no woman no cry"? to me it sounds just like some semi literate man trying to proclaim enjoyment of single life.  Also the lyrics "I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy".  C'MON where is the inspiration in that? what kind of message is being put across? he claims to shoot the major authority figure but spares the assistant?  it all just seems a bit silly to me.  

This isn't the only thing that annoys me about the situation though.  the other thing is my dad not only condoning this, in my opinion, idiocy but he is actively encouraging it.  It's absolutely ludicrous, observing the pair of them mindlessly conversing over a topic they both appear to know next to nothing about.  Furthermore what kind of role model is Marley supposed to be? in my opinion a good role model doesn't smoke weed.  But that's a whole other issue I guess.

thanks a lot for reading this I know its short but it's 2am, I'm tired and feeling a bit better knowing that i can vent freely.  Thanks for reading and goodnight.

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